In addition to shipping your products in bulk , we can also deliver your products individually to your end customers if you make a single order worth $1,000 or more under our Pro Plan or Basic Plan .
We specialize in finding and sourcing directly from competitive factories , setting us apart from typical dropshipping agencies that primarily work with wholesalers and only assist clients in purchasing ready-made products .
Unlike typical dropshipping companies , we prioritize sourcing as our main profit source and don’t have profit expectations on logistics . Dropshipping is simply a convenient logistics solution we provide to our clients .
As an experienced sourcing company , we excel in customizing and manufacturing products . We can assist you in product development , packaging customization , and other tasks that other dropshipping companies may not offer .
Whether your store is set up on platforms like Shopify or you have a self-built system , our dedicated IT team can seamlessly integrate your store with our system and provide comprehensive technical support .