opksourcing takes product quality seriously . That’s why you should choose us as your import partner in China .
When you choose our Pro Plan and use our selected suppliers , we will guarantee the quality of your products .
When there are defective products , if you use our selected suppliers , we can solve the quality issue without charging extra fees . If it’s your own suppliers , we will help you to talk with them until the problems are solved but you need to pay the logistics cost , traveling fee , etc .
If you want a specific inspection solution or a lower defect rate , please contact our agent to find out if there are extra fees .
Whether you use our Pro or Basic plan , your goods will be sent to our warehouse and checked with our free general inspection service . We check your products based on Level Ⅱ , AQL2.5 , just as other inspection companies do .
If you want to reduce the defect rate to 0% , we highly recommend you use our full inspection service . We will pick out all the defective products from the whole . The standard price is $ 5/hour . You can tell our agent what your needs are and get a quote for the full inspection .